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Haida canoes on the shoreline in front of the Haida Heritage Centre

Keenawaii's Kitchen



For chef Keenawaii (Roberta Olson), food is more than sustenance; it’s a cultural experience filled with symbolism and important nuggets of wisdom that can be transferred only through the sharing of an authentic Haida meal, often accompanied by singing and storytelling. 

Visitors to Keenawaii’s Kitchen will experience just that. Set in an unassuming home in Kay Llnagaay (Skidegate), along the shores of Hecate Strait, guests enjoy a small taste of Haida culture and lifestyle while sampling multiple courses and traditional Haida foods. 

Every dish is cooked fresh and from scratch, with ingredients that have been grown or caught on Haida Gwaii, including many wild-harvested foods. A typical meal may include sguu (dried seaweed), dried K’aaw (herring eggs on kelp), gilgii (dried salmon), locally grown vegetables, wild berries, and other in-season foods. Keenawaii’s halibut and tomato soup, garnished with eulachon oil, is testament to the trading between nations along the historic Grease Trail, while her locally harvested venison rounds out delicately prepared seafoods. 

Meals are served year round for two to 25 guests per sitting. Advance reservations are required. 

Photo credit: Destination BC


Skidegate, BC

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